How social-media marketing built the Justin-Bieber brand

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How social-media marketing built the Justin-Bieber brand

To tell you the truth, I didn’t even know who Justin Bieber was a month ago, and today is the first time I heard him sing. But the making of the Justin-Bieber brand is a story that anyone interested in social-media marketing should read. Here are some tidbits:
  • He placed second in a singing contest in Stratford, Ontario (population 30,000) sponsored by the YMCA.
  • Undeterred, his mother posted videos of him singing at home on YouTube.
  • Kaitlin Lennox, then 11 years old, forced her music industry father to watch them.
  • Her father called some associates at Universal in the United States, but he learned that they were already tracking Justin down because a music marketing guy name Scooter Braun was “trolling YouTube” and clicked on a Bieber video by mistake.
  • Twitter and YouTube have played major roles in his success. In fact, the word “YouTube” was used nine times in The Globe and Mail story as was “Twitter.”
Read the full story and learn about how brands are built today at The Globe and Mail.