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How social-media marketing built the Justin-Bieber brand
To tell you the truth, I didn’t even know who Justin Bieber was a month ago, and today is the first time I heard him sing. But the making of the Justin-Bieber brand is a story that anyone interested in social-media marketing should read. Here are some tidbits:
- He placed second in a singing contest in Stratford, Ontario (population 30,000) sponsored by the YMCA.
- Undeterred, his mother posted videos of him singing at home on YouTube.
- Kaitlin Lennox, then 11 years old, forced her music industry father to watch them.
- Her father called some associates at Universal in the United States, but he learned that they were already tracking Justin down because a music marketing guy name Scooter Braun was “trolling YouTube” and clicked on a Bieber video by mistake.
- Twitter and YouTube have played major roles in his success. In fact, the word “YouTube” was used nine times in The Globe and Mail story as was “Twitter.”